Tel: 01992 471001


Business Awards

Why enter Business Awards?

Ashbourne is delighted to have won and been shortlisted in many prestigious business awards over the past seven years, ranging from county, trade, regional and national. They are an invaluable endorsement for our business and acknowledge Ashbourne as “best in class”.

Entering business awards has given our business tremendous publicity, helped us reach new audiences and win new business. Furthermore, they help us raise our profile, gain credibility, offer a competitive edge and engage our staff in the process.

Our award wins have generated significant recognition and better deals from top insurers for our customers.

We recognise that our customers have a vast range of choice when it comes to deciding who to work with on their insurance matters and award wins help differentiate us with judges, other finalists and the community at large. Sponsors and fellow finalists have always been considered VIPs to our business and when seeking new suppliers we look at them first.

To be an award finalist can be as important as winning. The PR that is generated both off and online has, in our experience, been invaluable. Third hand party endorsement is worth much more than advertising.

Winning awards with associated logos feature on our website, business stationery, email footers and in our newsletters. Our social media campaigns and engagement peaks when our award successes are mentioned.

The process itself is an excellent exercise in completing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of the business and review accomplishments from the past 12 months and beyond. We engage almost everyone who has a relationship with the business during the application time seeking testimonials from customers, suppliers, the charities we support, team members, networking colleagues and the local community. They all become our most important brand Ambassadors and understand the value of the process. Our staff are proud to attend the prestigious gala award ceremonies and get tremendous enjoyment from being amongst like-minded, positive, and eager to grow businesses.

We encourage every UK business to enter business awards…go on…you have everything to gain!

If you want some more information about the insurance we offer click here or call us on 01992 471 001.

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