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3-point tyre check-list

With summer fast approaching and those family days planned, now is a good time to check your tyres.

A simple task that takes only minutes to do could save you a later headache and it keeps you safe on the road.

Here are 3 quick and easy points to check:

1. Tread Depth
Legally you should have at least 1.6mm tread on all surface areas of each tyre.

Tip – Take a 20 pence piece and insert it into the tread of each tyre. If you can see the outer band of the 20 pence piece then it’s likely that your tyre is under the 1.6mm legal limit and will need changing.

2. Tyre Pressure
Aside from wearing your tyres out unnecessarily and wasting fuel, having the wrong tyre pressure can make your vehicle act in an unpredictable way when you most need the safety that your tyres give you.

Tip – Your vehicle user manual will tell you the exact pressures to use and on many vehicles these pressures are handily printed on a plate just inside the driver’s door.

3. Wear and Tear
Your tyres put up with a lot so it is reasonable to expect that at times they might suffer.

Tip – Check the walls of the tyres for bulges, cracks or objects and do the same across the tread area. If anything doesn’t look or feel right get it checked. Tyre retailers can solve most issues but some can be a safety concern. Both need professional advice and help.

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