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The time to consider Trade Credit Insurance is now

As you know, cash is the lifeblood of business and it pays to protect your income streams from late and non-payment. Business insolvencies are on the rise, so there’s never been a better time to invest in protections. We work closely with Euler Hermes , a leading supplier of Trade Credit Insurance (TCI). They offer competitive rates, great customer support and a suite of services to help you grow safely. Their TCI safeguards a business’ cashflow by insuring against late and non-payment of invoices. If your customers default on payment or become insolvent, you will be indemnified for the cost of goods and services delivered.
Why can’t you do without it?
Running background checks on new customers is a good way to protect against this issue, but for complete peace of mind you need an insurance policy. With our partners Euler Hermes, you can protect your cashflow, leaving you free to grow your business.
How bad is the problem of non-payment?
According to payment company BACS, 54% of small and medium businesses experience late payment in 2019, while the cost of chasing money is estimated at £9,000 a year. Meanwhile, the Euler Hermes Economic Research team predicts Global insolvencies are likely to increase by +14% in 2020 but large bankruptcies could be avoided by state interventionism – at least for now.
Why Euler Hermes?
You can get the latest insights on macro and micro-economic issues from the Euler Hermes Economic Research Team to help you make better informed decisions.
Euler Hermes is the global leader in TCI, acting for clients in more than 50+ countries.
They add empathy and passion to the data mix. Euler Hermes provides market-leading customer service, with fast response times and high satisfaction.
Euler Hermes is part of the Allianz group of companies and with the AA credit rating, they can draw on the resources of one of the world’s biggest insurance companies and provide compensation to maintain your business.
If you want to talk to someone about how Trade Credit Insurance can protect your business, call us now on 01992 471 001.

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