Tel: 01992 471001


Zoë Mardling

Senior Administrator

01992 622 365

Zoe joined Ashbourne Insurance as administrative support in October 2018. Having worked within
the retail team helping to ensure that our clients receive correct and timely documentation her
role has since evolved and she also provides support to our Finance director for financial returns
and insurer remittances.

Name: Zoë Mardling
Position: Senior Administrator
School: Sheredes School
First Job: Online Shopper
Hobbies/pastimes: Walking my doggies and spending time with friends and family
Favourite food Spaghetti Bolognese with ALL the cheese
Favourite drink Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri
Favourite holiday destination: Jamaica
Likes: Spa breaks and Hoildays
Dislikes: Early Mornings
When I was younger I always wanted to: An Actress

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