Tel: 01992 471001


Type: Marketing and PR

  • Mary Sykes

    Marketing Consultant

    Working with the Board of Directors, Mary helps to develop, deliver and monitor marketing strategies that are best suited for our 35-year young local independent insurance broker. Mary is a vibrant Canadian/Brit who has worked internationally in marketing for 20+ years and has been working with Ashbourne Insurance since 2008. What she brings to Ashbourne are skills from PR, marketing, photography, sales, business award entries and event management. Mary Sykes holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Dalhousie University and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

    Name: Mary Sykes
    Position: Marketing Consultant
    School: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Halifax, NS Canada
    First Job: Payroll, Sheraton Hotel
    Hobbies/pastimes: Photography, travel & bootcamp
    Favourite food Thai
    Favourite drink Champagne of course
    Favourite holiday destination: Seychelles
    Likes: Family & positivity
    Dislikes: Pessimists
    When I was younger I always wanted to be:  A Veterinarian

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