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Watchdog Blasts Direct Line Over ‘Misleading’ Ad – Insurer Breached Code Over Guarantee To Beat Any Quote

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has found Direct Line in breach of its code over an advert in which it guaranteed to beat any quote.

The ad for landlord insurance, broadcast in September 2011, featured TV presenter Sarah Beeney who said that Direct Line “guarantees to beat any quote for the same cover”.

But following a complaint, the ASA has ruled that the advertisement was misleading and breached its code due to small text on the screen stating that “minimum premiums apply” to the offer.

The ruling stated that: “In the context of an absolute claim like “WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT ANY QUOTE”, it was contradictory to implement a limit on the lowest premium Direct Line would offer consumers (on an equivalent policy and subject to the other restrictions) and on that basis, concluded that the ad was misleading.”

Direct Line, in its response to the ASA, said that it was “highly unlikely” that it would be unable to beat a rival’s quote.

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