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What to do in the event of an accident…

As the winter months are now upon us and weather and road conditions deteriorate, it is at this time when we see start to see an increase in the number of motor vehicle accidents.
At Ashbourne we operate a one-stop-shop meaning we are not just here to help you select and purchase the right cover, but we will assist with any claim or incident.
We are seeing an increasing number of frustrated motorists who having been involved in what they believe is a non-fault accident; often the other party has admitted it was their fault at the scene, only for them to recount a different story to their own insurer who then disputes liability.
We have created a guide of what to do in the event of an accident and share this with all our motoring customers, it might not stop an accident, but it could provide a more speedy resolution.
Take photos; nearly every one of us has a smart phone, take pictures of the scene of the accident; both vehicles and the general surroundings, regardless of blame, these can be vital.
Get witness details; again regardless of blame, ask other motorists or passers-by for contact details and if they would be prepared to give your insurer a brief statement.
Report the accident immediately; at the roadside if possible, the earlier your insurer gets to understand your version of events the sooner they can begin to chase the other party or dispute exaggerated claims or false accusations.
We would still recommend that you take these actions, even if at fault. Many a claim gets exaggerated for personal injury or vehicle damage when at very low impact and these steps can help prevent fraudulent claims.
Along with a choice of insurer and cover limits Ashbourne aim to help you with any adjustment or claim throughout the life of the policy and often beyond.

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