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Its Not Just Travel Insurance You Need For Your Holidays…

How to stay safe socially on your winter holiday

Winter has arrived and for quite a few of us that means a trip away to sunnier climates or indeed a trip to embrace it all on the slopes. Undoubtedly, we will all be excited at the prospect of getting away and downing tools for a bit. But now, quite a significant number of us, simply cannot wait to share our holiday happiness and get right on tweeting and posting about our forthcoming break away from it all.
Although it seems like a fun and inclusive way of showing off your trip to friends and family, sharing on social media while on holiday can actually be very risky. According to Facebook, there are more than 500 million active users with at least 50% of users logging in daily and more than half of young Britons (aged 18-34) checking into locations and tweeting about where they are.
Alas, one post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social site, can give clues about your home, location, and belongings to potential burglars. By sharing on social media you could be providing a master route plan with map to your home! Here are our top tips on what you should avoid on social media which we think will keep you safe whilst having fun too.

  • Don’t post pictures or statuses from your holiday until after you return home from your trip.
  • Don’t share a timeline for when you are away.  No specific departure date or return dates as you are potentially sharing the time frame you will not be at home.
  • Don’t check into hotel locations or activities using any form of social media. It’s tempting we know but best avoided.
  • Don’t let your friends tag you in any current holiday posts as that clearly shows you are not at home.
  • Do check your social settings to be sure you do not have a public profile if you do not want one
  • Do remember you are getting away from it all. Disconnect and share later, there is always time.
  • Do remember to have insurance! You’ll need Travel Insurance for when you are away to keep you safe and home insurance to keep your home and contents safe.
  • Do keep your insurance policies up to date, checking that you have adequate cover for all those Christmas presents you’ve just purchased or received!

Maybe you think we are being over careful for what seems to be harmless fun but we’d advise in order to keep yourself, your home and your belongings safe, refrain from posting till you are back home. Sit on your hands if you have to!
Travel safe!

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