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London Assembly Praises Riot Damages Act Review – Biggs Says Legislation “Crying Out For Reform”

The London Assembly, which oversees Mayor of London Boris Johnson, has welcomed the Home Office announcement that the Riot Damages Act 1886 will be reviewed.

London Assembly budget and performance committee chairman John Biggs said: “The act is crying out for reform. Last year, following an in-depth investigation, we warned that it was not meeting the needs of riot-hit traders and we are pleased that the government is acting on our concerns.

“It is ridiculous that in the 21st century we are stuck with a piece of legislation from 1886 that does not adequately define a riot or cover damage to cars and vans. The government’s new review must address these weaknesses and provide a significantly more efficient and streamlined act, that works in the modern world.”

Biggs added that the insurance industry could use its skills and experience to help the government spend cash in future.

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