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Insurance implications for unoccupied premises

We are now entering the second month of the third lockdown and indications are that we are at least another month away from considering lifting restrictions.

It is at this point, under normal circumstances, that many of our insurers would be automatically reducing cover for premises that remain unoccupied.

Most insurers acknowledge the continued efforts to control the virus and allow full cover to continue without notification for unoccupied properties, however our advice is to check with your insurer / broker first.

If the insurer agrees to maintaining full cover, there will be some conditions.

• latest COVID lockdown rules mandate the property is to close.
• The premises are inspected at least once a week, by the Insured, both internally as well as externally.
• All refuse and waste materials are removed from the interior, with no accumulation of refuse or waste being allowed in the adjoining spaces owned by the Insured.
• The premises are kept secure, by applying all protections, including locks and alarms, if relevant.
• All mains services are switched-off (except electricity needed to maintain alarm systems, water, and heating systems for sprinklered premises)

Most insurers appreciate the efforts that businesses continue to make in order to maintain trading as well as abide by Government restrictions. If there are amendments required to reflect a change in trading behaviour, or if sections of cover are no longer required please let them know.

Ashbourne Insurance remains available to contact by phone; 01992 471 001 or email; should you have any specific requirements.

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