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Covid-19 and your home insurance

Coronavirus means that we are all spending more time at home, and you may have questions about whether that has any implications for your home insurance policy.

For the vast majority of home insurance customers, the policy will be unaffected and there is nothing you need to do. There will be a minority of exceptions to this, for example individuals that may now have to carry out work other than clerical work from home, so where this is the case please contact us so we can make sure you have the right cover in place.

The Association of British Insurers has published some information to help insurance customers which your clients might find useful – they can find answers to commonly asked questions at the ABI web-site.

Will working from home affect my home insurance policy?
If you are carrying out clerical work from home, such as using a phone and computer, then no – your policy is unaffected and there is nothing you need to do. If you are carrying out other types of work at home, then please get in touch and let us know so we can make sure you have the right cover in place.

Am I covered if something happens to my work equipment at home?
If your employer has provided you with equipment to work, this will usually be covered by their business insurance so you do not need to add it your policy and there is nothing you need to do.
If you have purchased the equipment you are using for work, then you will usually be covered – for example, equipment such as a computer, telephone or printer is covered as standard. If the equipment that you have purchased is more specialist in nature and is used for non-clerical activities then please get in touch so we can make sure that you have the right cover in place.

I have had to purchase a number of items to get me through this period at home (e.g. computer, printer, children’s entertainment) but haven’t had a chance to add them to my policy. Am I covered?
This will depend on your specific policy so please check your policy schedule. If your policy says you have unlimited sums insured, then don’t worry – you will automatically be covered for these type of goods and there is nothing you need to do. If you have a specific sum insured then you may need to notify us so we can make sure you have the right cover in place.

My home will be left unoccupied due to illness / being stuck abroad. Will this affect my home insurance policy?
If the period of unoccupancy is less than 30 days then in the vast majority of cases you will not need to notify us and will remain fully insured throughout. Check your policy documentation for more information.

My parents / grandparents have been admitted to hospital and I’m worried that they have left their belongings at their care home. Can my home insurance cover this?
This will depend which type of policy you have. For some policies, you are automatically covered for household goods, clothing and personal property belonging to your parents or grandparents while in a nursing or care home. Check your policy documentation for more information.

My parents / grandparents / other relatives will move in with me for this time. Do I need to notify you of this?
This will depend which type of policy you have. For some policies, you would automatically be covered in these circumstances. Check your policy documentation for more information.

My property has suffered damage (from a fire, flood or something else). What shall I do?
Get in touch with us so we can discuss what has happened so we can process your claim. Once we have accepted your claim, our home insurance policies give you the flexibility to choose your own workmen or opt for a cash settlement, so give us a call and a member of our team can discuss this with you.

Please note these are generic responses and you would need to check your own insurance policy for clarification. Thank you to our insurer partners for their continued support.

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