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Car Salesmen Average Motor Quote £9,640 – School Bursars Have The Lowest Premium

Car salesmen may be paying more than 13 times the average cost of car insurance, which now stands at £736, according to

The Admiral-owned aggregator reviewed a year’s worth of quotes data by profession and discovered that a car salesman’s average premium is £9,640. A spokeswoman said the high premium was likely to result from their need to drive many different cars, including high value and new vehicles. Car valeters received the second-highest quote, at £4,817.37.

The lowest quotes were achieved by state schools bursars, who were quoted an average of £371 per year, and head of personnel, at £384.50. Secretary PAs followed at £393.50.

“While in the past year we have seen a drop in average car insurance prices by 9.8%, distinguishing factors can still affect the cost of your car premium. These factors include the type of car you drive, the area you live in, your age, your profession and your own driving history,” said head of car insurance Gemma Stanbury.

Stanbury said careful drivers could receive discounts by using’s telematics app MotorMate.

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