Tel: 01992 471001


Ashbourne Adopts Teens Unite As Charity Of The Year

Ashbourne Insurance has pledged to raise much needed funds for Broxbourne-based charity, Teens Unite, which supports over 630 young people from across the UK with cancer and other life limiting illnesses. Ashbourne’s staff will be fundraising and participating in a number of events throughout 2015 to support this cause.

The award-winning independent insurance broker, which has offices in Hoddesdon and Cheshunt, Hertfordshire has chosen Teens Unite as its charity of the year 2015/16 and has kicked off fundraising efforts with a £20 challenge to all its 24 staff to see how much £480 can become with creative ideas and initiatives. In addition, the broker’s Finance Director, Sarah Smits has signed up to participate on the Cuba Bike Challenge alongside Debbie Pezzani, Founder of the charity and 12 other daring cyclists. They will cycle 350km between 17-25 October, 2015 and must fundraise at least £3,000 per person for the charity.

The charity runs motivational and confidence building workshops from art and beauty sessions to careers days to provide the young people they support with a fuller, more enjoyable life whilst battling with their illness. Through Teens Unite, teenagers and young adults fighting cancer and other life limiting illnesses can meet others their age in a similar situation and gain strength from realising they are not alone in their journey.

Since it was founded in 2007 by Karen Millen OBE and Debbie Pezzani, Teens Unite remains the only charity to provide long-term, ongoing support from the moment a young person is diagnosed, during treatment and throughout remission and beyond.

Having opened the first, standalone respite home in the UK for this demographic in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, the plan going forward is to build a large purpose-built respite home in which will welcome teenagers and their families from far and wide when they need to escape to a tranquil retreat. There will also be facilities to hold the workshops the charity organises in-house. Teens Unite anticipate needing to fundraise £4,000,000 to purchase land and build.

Sarah Smits, Finance Director explains, “I can’t think of a better charity for us to support. Teens Unite is virtually on our doorstep and does such great work with young people from across the UK. I’m looking forward to leading Ashbourne’s fundraising activities this year and next.”

Debbie Pezzani, CEO and Founder of Teens Unite said: “Teens Unite is a Broxbourne-based charity with big plans for the future. Raising awareness and support is vital to helping us grow across the country and we’re looking forward to working with Ashbourne Insurance and making our partnership a great success.”

Ashbourne Insurance offers a wide range of business and personal insurance services along with a 24 hour claims advisory service. It is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

To make a donation to Teens Unite visit or to find out more information please call Sarah Smits on 01992 471001.

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